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Hear What Others Have to Say

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I have been training with Andrea for over 2 years now. I feel incredible! I get up energized to workout and that energy fills me for the entire day. This morning I hit a high with my favorite lift - deadlifting 220#! Thank you coach for this wonderful gift you have given me!


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I’m 74 years old, a recently retired corporate executive, and I enrolled last fall with Andrea Luckino for Nutrition Coaching. Andrea designed a custom plan for me to support my goals for building strength and trimming my waistline. She also recommended that I enroll in Pilates training (at Prairie View Pilates) 2 to 3 times per week to build core strength and help correct a hip imbalance, which I did. Andrea is an exceptional coach. We worked together entirely online and by phone for 9 nine months. I was not on a Fat Loss Diet. In fact, I was eating considerably more than before, but making good food choices to get the proper balance of macro nutrients in my daily diet. Throughout, I don’t remember ever feeling hungry or over-fed. I always felt just right. My results during this time are well documented: Lost 16 lbs. and 3.5” off my waistline! And, dramatically reversed a negative trending protein deficiency and cholesterol build up!



Andrea has literally changed my whole perspective on how I viewed my body and it's capability. My fitness journey has been enlightening to say the least... I am literally amazed on what we have accomplished. This victory is very much Andrea as it's also mine because we shared in our successes and challenges together. Andrea's support is unwavering, strict, and maternal; those qualities I certainly account to her success as a trainer. Andrea is very knowledgeable, well-versed and highly educated on fitness and body mechanics. As a PT, I am very guilty of using her exercise that I learned from her on my patients. She knows her stuff! :)

​Training & Nutrition Coaching Results

  • Lost 48 pounds and 24 total inches

  • Down 6 dress sizes

  • Off of 2 blood pressure medications

  • Lowered cholesterol


Gym Equipments

When I started working with Andrea in April 2022, I had no knowledge or experience of strength training. What drew me in was the results I’d seen of some of her clients. I started with A-Lab looking for a new challenge, personalized coaching, and way to stay fit and I’ve found that and more.

Andrea is an excellent coach, creating an environment that expects hard work AND offers encouragement and support. She is patient and persistent in sessions, attentive and engaged in her training approach, and encouraging and flexible to client needs. I’ve learned that she is more than a trainer, she is also an educator- through demonstrating, adjusting form, and sharing resources to help improve knowledge and performance. Additionally, Andrea offers nutritional coaching which takes training to the next level and I’ve come to appreciate the impact of nutrition more than ever. I’ve learned that what and when I’m eating directly impacts not only results in weight loss, toning and/or muscle development, but also my workout stamina and post-workout recovery. 

Overall, I have come to love this form of exercise and training with Andrea. I trust her coaching entirely.  I am stronger, both physically and mentally, because of the work we’ve put in at the gym and as challenging as the workouts are… I look forward to my time in A-Lab. I know I leave better than when I came in. 

If you’re looking for a way to invest in yourself, to support your physical or mental health, I definitely recommend Andrea & A-Lab. Don’t be afraid of trying something new or different from what you’ve done… Andrea will coach you to your results safely, consistently, & with great care. 



Andrea is quite simply the best personal trainer. She offers a complete program that not only focuses on exercise but also nutrition. She is always motivating, knowledgeable and encouraging. I have been working out with her for 18 months. I can truly say I am in the best shape I've been since my 20s, and have the strength and energy to do whatever comes my way. She's been amazing!



I started my health journey with Andrea at A-Lab in January 2022. From the very first start Andrea has been very thorough in getting as much background as possible about my previous experience with training, eating habits and my goal. She made a detailed plan with steps to follow which gave me a good guideline for what to expect, and in which time frame.

When she trains me, she is detailed oriented - watching my movements carefully to prevent injuries. With my previous personal trainer, I often had back problems. Since I have trained with Andrea, my back problems are gone and my posture much better.

Andrea has been supporting me physically, mentally and emotionally in the past 10 months - She has been a rock! I lost 18 pounds in 6 months and have been maintaining this for several months. Next month I will start again with the final step in my weight loss journey.

If you want a devoted trainer who wants nothing more than progress and to see you achieve your health goals, Andrea is the perfect fit!



A back injury had been preventing me from exercising for a few years, so I wanted to work on improving my nutrition to better my health. Within the first several months of working with Andrea, I lost 15 lbs and felt more like myself again! Andrea is so knowledgeable and goes above and beyond to make sure I have the information and tools needed to stay accountable to my goals. I highly recommend her to anyone looking to improve their health!!


Cloud with Silver Lining

I became a client of A-Lab in January 2022 and it quickly became my “Happy Place!” 

After years of group training, other personal trainers and giving it a go on my own, I have finally found a really great fit and have achieved results that I did not know were possible.

Andrea is extremely knowledgeable, professional and attentive. Her active listening skills have proven to be extremely helpful as she has created an individualized and wholestic plan that addresses my concerns and goals.  She is a trainer who is agile and I am impressed with how she can modify a program based on my limitations and current abilities.

In addition to strength coaching, I have followed a nutrition plan that was written for me. I have learned the importance of fueling my body properly so it can achieve what I want it to. Andrea’s patience and tenacity has helped me change old habits and I have energy that I have not had in years.

Most importantly, Andrea wants the very best for her clients and works tirelessly to help inspire and motivate all.   She is an excellent accountability partner to those who are committed to consistency and work hard.   

If you are considering A-Lab to help you become the best version of yourself, based upon my experience and success I can highly recommend that you become a member TODAY!  It is a decision that you will not regret!



When I began working with Andrea I was already lifting on my own and very comfortable in the gym, so I was simply looking for a spark of motivation and a change up in my routine, but got so much MORE! Andrea has an incredible eye and passion for form, so she corrected my bad habits which was then able to push my workouts further than I had ever pushed before. On top of her well programed workouts I learned so much about nutrition! I loved narrowing in on how nutrition was impacting my performance in the gym, it was not only great to learn but great motivation for me. I saw awesome results that I didn't think I would see being in my 40s! Working with Andrea has been a great experience!


Running Up

Having benefited from your knowledge and expertise and seen your gift first hand... I am deeply inspired. I literally was like "nothing can replace Andrea... and I'm not ready to even try to do this without her." And... after one week of being away, I miss it - the space, the time, the challenge, the entire experience. It speaks so loudly to what "walking in your purpose" looks like

Training Client


Working with Andrea has been an awesome experience! Her insights and coaching have been extremely helpful in helping me build better fitness habits.


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