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Andrea Luckino

NCI L1; NASM CPT; Stronglifting


Formerly, I was living a very different life as a corporate retail executive in NYC before finding my calling as a coach. Fitness and nutrition found a place in my life a ways back, but it wasn’t until the hardest of times that these two disciplines shaped me. For me, the reasons I am committed go deeper than what size clothes I wear or a number on the scale – and what I’ve found through my own journey is that looking deeper is really what it takes to achieve what may seem like a superficial result on the outside. Taking a deeper look at WHY you want what you want is really the key to accomplishing a result that will last. Through years of navigating struggles with infertility and loss, to then becoming a parent, I saw my priorities and focus on various aspects of life undergo a major shift. There were several years of feeling stuck in a situation where my body couldn't, and wouldn’t, do the things I was asking it to. Finally, I did the most difficult thing - I took a long hard look in the mirror, faced reality, and made a lot of changes. Healthy changes - both in and out of the gym. Each one of those changes have shaped my journey, which continues to evolve. Through all this, I learned a lot about myself, but most importantly I proved that I can do a lot more than I ever thought possible: physically, mentally and emotionally. Training and nutrition are at the forefront because these are the constants that carry me through every day of my life. I am stronger every day, because that is what I intentionally set out to do - and my goal is to share all of this with you.

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